Unlock Financial Freedom

Experience the power of Budgeting when integrated with Crypto-Currency

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Manage your budget


Find businesses accepting crypto-currencies

Benefits of Joining Us

  • Financial Freedom

    *thisApp products empowers you to achieve financial goals, reduce stress, and enhance well-being through comprehensive budgeting tools and prioritizing financial wellness.

  • Available on Any Platform

    *thisApp products provide accessible, user-friendly tools for effortless financial management on any device, anytime, anywhere.

  • Free-to-Use

    The *thisApp products are free as in beer; it does not cost money.

  • Privacy and Encryption

    Your data security is our top priority. We employ robust privacy measures and encryption to protect your sensitive information. For added peace of mind, you have the ability to delete your data at any time.

  • Expanding The Use of Crypto-Currencies

    *thisApp products facilitate crypto acceptance and support the growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, making it easy for businesses to embrace and benefit from this innovative technology.

Integrated Suite of Financial Tools

A crypto-currency enthusiast with cash in hand

Visits a local store

Hands over the cash to the merchant, they make a prepaid voucher on thisAppBudget

Hands over the cash to the merchant, they make a prepaid voucher on thisAppBudget

The store is listed publicly on thisAppMap, attracting customers who wish to pay using crypto-currencies

The store is listed publicly on thisAppMap, attracting customers who wish to pay using crypto-currencies

Customers visit the store to make purchases with crypto-currencies

The crypto-currencies used for payment are sent back to the crypto-currency enthusiast