Find businesses accepting

With thisAppMap

Find nearby businesses accepting crypto-currencies

Easily locate local businesses that accept crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more. Our interactive map makes it simple to find businesses in your area that are embracing the future of digital transactions.

Submit your own business easily

Own a restaurant, taxi service, grocery shop, or mobile business that accepts crypto-currencies?

Share your business with our user community by submitting it to thisAppMap, making it easier for potential customers to discover and support you.

Customize your business listing with detailed information, including the products or services you offer, high-quality images, and more. Make your business stand out and attract more crypto-savvy customers.

Create a list of your favorite shops and cafés

Save your go-to spots and hidden gems by creating a personalized list of your favorite businesses.

Never forget a memorable dining experience or a unique boutique again!

Add a photo of your favorite Pizza, rate it and leave a review

Share your experiences by uploading photos of your favorite dishes, rating businesses, and leaving reviews.

Filter between different types of businesses and different accepted crypto-currencies

Looking for a specific type of business or a particular crypto-currency?

thisAppMap allows you to filter results based on business categories and accepted digital currencies, so you can find exactly what you're looking for.


Yes, it's completely ad-free and free to use. We might add some premium features later, but thisAppMap will remain free to use.